Shwedagon Pagoda Myanmar architecture

the swedagon pagoda in yangon, myanmar

the shwedagon pagoda in yangon serves repository stupa , focal point of buddism in myanmar. @ 99.4 meters high, stupa covered in gold leaf , plate. surrounded smaller shrines , topped gem-encrusted seinbu ( diamond bud ) , seven-tiered hti represents burmese spirituality. every 4 5 years gold repaired or replaced. stupa constructed theravada buddhist society , said contain strands of buddha s hair.

built circumambulatory structure, visitors guided in clockwise direction around stupa, passing 8 astrological representations of 8 days of burmese week. platform includes 4 devotional centres @ cardinal compass points , dozens of smaller-scale stupas, including golden elder stupa. bodhi trees, buddhist images, , other spiritual figures decorate exterior along 16-ton singu min bell (known formerly maha ganda bell).

the shwedagon has served centre of buddhist devotion forum political activism. during anti-colonial demonstrations of nationalist thakin party in 1938-1939, strike centres set around pagoda. in 1988, burmese socialist programme party collapsing, shwedagon platform pro-democracy political demonstrations. on 26 august 1988, aung san suu kyi spoke on democracy @ west gate of pagoda mass audience.


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