History Unidad de Operaciones Especiales

origins of uoe. (source: armada española)

la unidad ( unit ), informally known in spain, traces roots amphibious climbing company (compañía de escaladores anfibios), established in 1952 all-volunteer unit tasked coastal assaults , infiltration. in 1967, using navy seals , british sbs guides, unit expanded mandate , range of skills include combat diving, underwater demolitions, airborne insertions , direct action missions. in 1985 uoe re-designated comanfes (comando anfibio especial), reverted original name in 1990s. today, unit 1 of 2 operational elements within spanish navy s naval special warfare force.

the uoe collaborated , trained closely similar nato units, such united states navy seals, italian navy s comsubin, french commando hubert, , portuguese dae, special intervention units of spanish police forces (uei , geo).

the uoe , parent naval special warfare force 1 of 3 units in spanish military formally tasked special operations, along army s moe , air force s ezapac.


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