Chico News .26 Review News & Review

1 chico news & review

1.1 events
1.2 noted stories
1.3 selected awards

chico news & review

the chico news & review (cn&r) first of 3 news & review papers, founded in 1977. chico news & review noted 1 of few alternative papers out-circulate local daily paper, chico enterprise-record, cumulative readership of on 100,000, according circulation verification council s 2015 report. founding editor robert speer, , current editor melissa daugherty.

in 2016, partnership north valley community foundation, , matching small community donations, has helped support investigative journalism in butte county, california.

its well-known annual issues are:

best of, annual issue results of readers poll , editors choices of best places, people , things in chico
keep chico weird, annual issue coinciding keep chico weird event
goin chico, annual student guide welcome new california state university, chico students area
cammies (chico area music awards), annual issue profiling readers , critics choice best bands , musicians


in 2005, chico news & review started chico area music celebration (cammies) honor vibrant, eclectic music scene in butte county, california. winners selected cn&r readers in list of musical genres, including singer-songwriter, hard rock/metal, blues, jam/r&b/funk, rap, punk/ska , others. critics vote winners in more specific areas, e.g. best male/female vocalist, best guitarist, best drummer, best local cd, local badass, etc.

keep chico weird annual event honor weird of chico , butte county, foster environment of tolerance , creativity. cn&r produces keep chico weird art show , keep chico weird talent show, highlights wide range of artists , art, including sword swallowers, mimes, spelling-bee champs, organ grinders, etc.

chico beer week annual event celebrating craft beer in chico , coordinated local breweries, bars, restaurants , retailers responsible area s local craft-beer scene.

noted stories

iraq war dummies, 2003: days before united states invaded iraq, cover story warned might take many years , cost hundreds of billions of dollars build new nation in iraq
lack of oversight, 2001: when jack nickerson jr. killed after gas tank exploded, story revealed government agents negligence major factor in death
the bidwell bungle, 1995: after purchasing 1,380 acres of land on south side of big chico creek, cn&r discovered city of chico had been flummoxed sellers , had overpaid as $1 million
the kids society forgot, 1990: multi-story issue on foster-care system, illuminating lives of 700 butte county children taken away parents
boys of valley, 1988: special issue on chronicling lives of every 1 of 66 area soldiers killed in vietnam war

selected awards

1st place in front page (tabloid) in 2014
1st place in environmental reporting in 2014
1st place in columns in 2014 california newspaper publishers association
1st place in page layout & design (tabloid), 2nd place in coverage of education, special section in 2013
1st place in 1st best feature story in 2012, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in best front page-tabloid in 2012, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in best writing in 2012, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in coverage of local government in 2011, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in editorial pages in 2009, california newspapers publishers association
1st place in special issue in 2009, california newspapers publishers association
1st place in public service in 2008, california newspapers publishers association
1st place in editorial pages in 2008, california newspapers publishers association
1st place in editorial comment in 2008, california newspapers publishers association
1st place in business/financial story in 2008, california newspapers publishers association
1st place in writing, editorial pages , feature story in 2006, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in general excellence in 2004, california newspaper publishers association

^ contact - chico news & review - chico news & review . retrieved 2016-03-03. 
^ best of chico: readers picks - feature story - local stories - october 10, 2013 . chico news & review. retrieved 2016-03-04. 
^ keepin chico weird - feature story - local stories - october 31, 2013 . chico news & review. retrieved 2016-03-04. 
^ 2015 cammies - chico news & review . chico news & review. retrieved 2016-03-04. 
^ 2015 cammies - chico news & review . chico news & review. retrieved 2016-03-04. 
^ weird chico - feature story - local stories - january 21, 2016 . chico news & review. retrieved 2016-03-04. 
^ california state university, chico (1973-present) . chico state traditions. california state university, chico. retrieved 1 march 2016. 
^ history in stories - feature story - local stories - july 19, 2007 . chico news & review. retrieved 2016-03-03. 
^ bragging rights - second & flume - opinions - may 14, 2015 . chico news & review. retrieved 2016-03-03. 
^ winners tab (pdf). california newspapers publishers association. cnpa. may 3, 2015. retrieved march 2, 2016. 
^ 2012 bnc winner tab . 
^ 2011 bnc winner tab . 
^ 2009 bnc winner tab . 
^ 2008 bnc winner tab . 
^ 2006 bnc winner tab . california newspaper publishers association. retrieved 2016-03-03. 
^ 2004 bnc winner tab . california newspaper publishers association. retrieved 2016-03-03. 


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