Volume I New Voyages to North America

the beaver important feature of algonquin life, fur , pelt trade in everyday lives of natives source of food , warm clothing. (new voyages north america, 1703)

the waterways of canada essential trade function because native peoples main mode of transportation used canoes, carry furs trade , allowed them navigate st. lawrence river. lahontan notes natives incredibly agile @ navigating waters. spends winter hunting algonquin “in order develop more perfect knowledge of language” while city of montreal fortified protected against attacks. lahontan writes way indians fought comical, “bows , arrows , stark nakedness.” montreal city of merchants, traveling once year there sell goods such wine. governors spent winters there well, hence need fortifications. during winter lahontan introduced native way of hunting elk, use of “rackets” (or snow shoes) finds useful. observes hunting huge part of native culture survival, unlike in france hunting sport wealthy.

in winter of 1689 lahontan went elk hunting group of algonquins. these snow shoes or rackets wore when hunting. (new voyages north america, 1703)

in may 1689, lahontan issued orders march michilimackinac great lakes , explore waterways. during journey, has encounters hurons @ fort st. joseph. lahontan continues travels around great lakes region describing country around michilimackinac, detailing trip down “rivière longue” (some scholars argue had discovered missouri river, while others consider fanciful tale). lahontan includes various descriptions of beavers , own personal creation of maps of region. after final altercation group of iroquois ended in deaths burning, lahontan heads france in october 1692. nantes, in 1693, lahontan writes has been given lieutenancy of newfound land independent company , in january 1694 departs portugal.


the memoirs expansion on descriptions presented in letters. lahontan expands further on geography of new france. describes journeys down lake superior , further south lake huron , lake erie. while geographically situating these bodies of water discusses can found on shores of lakes, citing native peoples live there animals present. continues on specific descriptions of wildlife, fish in particular environment. provides vocabulary lists of native terminology.

this map drawn lahontan depicts geographical area of new france traveled notably lake of hurons (lake huron) , river st. laurence (st. lawrence river) (new voyages north america, 1703)


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