Modern Albania

the league of prizren building in prizren inside courtyard.

the national renaissance (rilindja kombëtare) began in 1870s , lasted until 1912, when albanians declared independence. league of prizren (league defense of rights of albanian nation) (lidhja e prizrenit) formed on june 1878, in old town of prizren, kosovo vilayet. @ first ottoman authorities supported league, initial position based on religious solidarity of muslim landlords , people connected ottoman administration. ottomans favoured , protected muslim solidarity, , called defense of muslim lands, including present-day bosnia , herzegovina. reason naming league committee of real muslims (komiteti myslimanëve të vërtetë). league issued decree known kararname. text contained proclamation people northern albania, epirus , bosnia willing defend territorial integrity of ottoman empire possible means against troops of bulgarian, serbian , montenegrin kingdoms. however, signed 47 muslim deputies of league on june 18, 1878. around 300 muslims participated in assembly, including delegates bosnia , mutasarrif (sanjakbey) of sanjak of prizren representatives of central authorities, , no delegates scutari vilayet.

the letters of naum veqilharxhi s alphabet (alfabeti vithkuqit) published in 1845.

the ottomans cancelled support when league, under influence of abdyl bey frashëri, became focused on working toward albanian autonomy , requested merging of 4 ottoman vilayets, includes kosovo, scutari, monastir , ioannina new vilayet of ottoman empire, albanian vilayet. league used military force prevent annexing areas of plav , gusinje assigned montenegro congress of berlin. after several successful battles montenegrin troops such in novsice, under pressure of great powers, league of prizren forced retreat contested regions of plav , gusinje , later on, league defeated ottoman army sent sultan. albanian uprising of 1912, ottoman defeat in balkan wars , advance of montenegrin, serbian , greek forces territories claimed albanian, led proclamation of independence ismail qemali in southern vlorë, on november 28, 1912.

the proposed boundaries of newly established albanian state in 1913 1914.

at all-albanian congress in southern vlorë on 28 november 1912, participants constituted assembly of vlorë. assembly of eighty-three leaders, declared nation independent country , set provisional government. provisional government established on second session of assembly on 4 december 1912. furthermore, government of ten members led ismail qemali, until resignation on 22 january 1914. assembly established senate (pleqësi), advisory role government, consisting of 18 members of assembly.

the independence of albania recognized conference of london on 29 july 1913. drawing of borders of newly established principality of albania ignored demographic realities of time. international commission of control established on 15 october 1913 take care of administration of newly established albania, until own political institutions in order. headquarters in vlorë. international gendarmerie established first law enforcement agency of principality of albania. in november, first gendarmerie members arrived in country. prince of albania wilhelm of wied (princ vilhelm vidi) selected first prince of principality. on 7 march, arrived in provisional capital of durrës , started organise government, appointing turhan pasha përmeti form first albanian cabinet.

the city of skopje after being captured albanian revolutionaries in august 1912 after defeating ottoman forces holding city.

in november 1913, albanian pro-ottoman forces had offered throne of albania ottoman war minister of albanian origin, ahmed izzet pasha. pro-ottoman peasants believed that, new regime of principality of albania tool of 6 christian great powers , local landowners, owned half of arable land.

in february 1914, autonomous republic of northern epirus proclaimed in gjirokastër local greek population against incorporation albania. initiative short lived , in 1921, southern provinces incorporated albanian principality. meanwhile, revolt of albanian peasants against new albanian regime erupted under leadership of group of muslim clerics gathered around essad pasha toptani, proclaimed himself savior of albania , islam. in order gain support of mirdita catholic volunteers northern part of albania, prince wied appointed leader, prênk bibë doda, foreign minister of principality of albania. in may , june 1914, international gendarmerie joined isa boletini , men, kosovo, , northern mirdita catholics, defeated rebels captured of central albania end of august 1914. regime of prince wied collapsed , later left country on 3 september 1914.

: macmillan , co. ltd.; 1st edition, archived original on 2012-11-13, prince william of wied, first prince of albania 

^ elsie, robert. albania under prince wied . archived original on 25 january 2011. retrieved 25 january 2011. pro-ottoman forces ... opposed increasing western influence ... in november 1913, these forces, ... had offered vacant albanian throne general izzet pasha ... war minister of albanian origin. 
^ jelavich, barbara (1999) [1983], history of balkans: twentieth century, 2, cambridge, united kingdom: press syndicate of university of cambridge, p. 103, isbn 0-521-27459-1, retrieved 25 january 2011, peasants..willing listeners ottoman propaganda ... attached new regime tool of beys , christian powers 
^ bowden, william (2003). epirus vetus : archaeology of late antique province. london: duckworth. p. 28. isbn 978-0-7156-3116-4. greek epirote population of area refused incorporated new albanian state , in february 1914 declared autonomous republic of northern epirus ... in 1921 albania recognised independent sovereign state, borders established on present lines. 
^ ed, gregory c. ference, (1994). chronology of 20th century eastern european history. detroit [u.a.]: gale research. p. 9. isbn 978-0-8103-8879-6. february 28 george zographos, former foreign minister of greece, proclaims @ gjirokaster establishment of autonomous republic of northern epirus, zographos president. notifies international commission government has been established because great powers have not provided greeks in southern albania guarantees protection of life, property , religious freedom, , ethnic existence. 
^ efforts settle amputated albania state . archived original on 28 january 2011. retrieved 28 january 2011. thousands of muslim peasants, ... exploited leaders haxhi qamili, arif hiqmeti, musa qazimi , mustafa ndroqi, ... rebel 
^ vickers, miranda (1999). albanians: modern history. i.b. tauris. p. 81. isbn 978-1-86064-541-9. gathered round him group of discontented muslim priests ... , proclaimed himself savior of albania , champion of islam. 
^ elsie, robert. albania under prince wied . archived original on 25 january 2011. retrieved 25 january 2011. ... mostly volunteers kosova under leader isa boletini 
^ elsie, robert. albania under prince wied . archived original on 25 january 2011. retrieved 25 january 2011. panic broke out in durrës, , royal family sought refuge on italian vessel ... 
^ springer, elisabeth; leopold kammerhofer (1993). archiv und forschung. oldenbourg wissenschaftsverlag. p. 346. isbn 3-486-55989-3. 


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