Crowning of the Tsaritsa-consort Coronation of the Russian monarch

crowning of tsaritsa maria alexandrovna.

once tsar had received crown, sceptre , orb, seated himself upon throne holding orb in left hand, , sceptre in right. summoning aide, divested himself of sceptre , orb wife knelt upon crimson cushion before him. taking off crown, tsar placed briefly upon head before returning own. tsar next placed tsaritsa s crown upon consort s head , chain of order of st. andrew around neck, accompanied purple mantle, signifying sharing in dignity , responsibility nation s welfare.

according baroness sophie buxhoeveden, lady-in-waiting , friend of last tsaritsa, alexandra feodorovna, tsaritsa saw role in husband s coronation kind of mystic marriage russia. became 1 russia, sealed forever russian in heart , soul, , remained day , life. long divine liturgy, robing of emperor, investiture imperial insignia, saw in dream. according buxhoeveden, alexandra never tired @ throughout five-hour ritual, insisting beautiful .

prior maria fedorovna s crowning in 1797, 2 other russian consorts had ever been crowned: marina mniszech, wife of tsar dmitri false, crowned in 1606; , catherine, wife of peter i, reigned on russia in own right following peter s death. russian orthodox church had opposed crowning of women prior peter s reign, , decision introduce innovation reflected desire break previous tradition , bring russia more line other western monarchies. church incorporated these developments coronation ritual, retaining them through final ceremony in 1896. @ coronation of alexander ii, empress marie alexandrovna s crown slipped head, taken bad-omen.


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