Content of the Resolutions Fincastle Resolutions

the resolutions began proclaiming love , loyalty king george iii, , willing risk our lives in service of majesty, support of protestant religion, , rights , liberties of subjects... resolutions go on express dismay passage of intolerable acts has threatened happy relations between parent state , colonies , , these violations of constitutional rights not acceptable.

honourable peyton randolph, esq.: richard henry bland, benjamin harrison, , edmund pendleton, esquires, delegates colony attended continental congress held @ philadelphia. gentlemen, had not been our remote situation, , indian war lately engaged in, chastise cruel , savage people many murders , depredations have committed amongst (now happily terminated, under auspices of our present worthy governour, excellency right honourable earl of dunmore) should before time have made known our thankfulness important services have rendered country, in conjunction worthy delegates other provinces. noble efforts reconciling mother country , colonies, on rational , constitutional principles, , pacifick,steady, , uniform conduct in arduous work, entitle esteem of british america, , immortalize in annals of country. heartily concur in resolutions, , shall, in every instance, strictly , invariably adhere thereto. assure you, gentlemen, , our countrymen, people hearts overflow love , duty our lawful sovereign george iii. illustrious house, several successive reigns, have been guardians of civil , religious rights , liberties of subjects, settled @ glorious revolution; willing risk our lives in service of majesty, support of protestant religion, , rights , liberties of subjects, have been established compact, law, , ancient charters. heartily grieved @ differences subsist between parent state , colonies, , ardently wish see harmony restored, on equitable basis, , lenient measures can devised heart of men. many of us, , our forefathers, left our native land, considering kingdom subjected inordinate power, , abridged of liberties. crossed atlantick, , explored uncultivated wilderness, bordering on many nations of savages, , surrounded mountains inaccessible savages, have incessantly been committing barbarities , depredations on since our first seating country. these fatigues , dangers patiently encountered, supported pleasing hope of enjoying rights , liberties have been granted virginians , denied in our native country, , of transmitting them inviolate our posterity. these remote regions land of unlimited , unconstitutional power hath pursued us, strip of liberty , property god, nature, , rights of humanity, have vested us. ready , willing contribute in our power support of majesty s government, if applied constitutionally, , when grants made our own representatives; cannot think of submitting our liberty or property power of venal british parliament, or of corrupt ministry. no means desire shake off our duty or allegiance our lawful sovereign, on contrary shall ever glory in being loyal subjects of protestant prince, descended such illustrious progenitors, long can enjoy free exercise of our religion, protestants, , our liberties , properties, british subjects. if no pacifick measures shall proposed or adopted great britain, , our enemies attempt dragoon out of inestimable privileges entitled subjects, , reduce state of slavery, declare, deliberately , resolutely determined never surrender them power upon earth, @ expense of our lives. these our real, though unpolished sentiments, of liberty , loyalty, , in them resolved live , die. are, gentlemen, utmost esteem , regard, obedient servant.


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