Conceptual Closure

1 conceptual

1.1 philosophy
1.2 political
1.3 psychology
1.4 law
1.5 computer science
1.6 mathematics
1.7 sociology
1.8 other uses


epistemic closure, principle in epistemology
deductive closure, principle in logic
cognitive closure (philosophy)
closure: short history of everything, philosophical book hilary lawson


alternative term cloture, commonly used in commonwealth parliamentary traditions.


closure (psychology), state of experiencing emotional conclusion difficult life event


closure (business), process organization ceases operations
closure, known cloture, motion in parliamentary procedure bring debate quick end

computer science

closure (computer programming), abstraction binding function scope
clojure, dialect of lisp programming language
kleene closure
syntactic closure
google closure tools, set of javascript tools created google
relational database model: set-theoretic formulation , armstrong s axioms use in database theory


closure (mathematics), property said satisfied set under given operation if , if performing operation on members of set produces member of same set.
transitive closure
algebraic closure
deductive closure
closure (topology), set, smallest closed set containing set
convex closure
closure operator
kuratowski closure axioms


closure (sociology)

other uses

closure (atmospheric science), type of experiment in aerosol , cloud studies
closure, concept in social construction of technology
law of closure, principle in gestalt psychology
poetic closure


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