20th century Presbyterian Church in the United States of America

1 20th century

1.1 confessional revision
1.2 social gospel , evangelical movements
1.3 fundamentalist–modernist controversy
1.4 later history

20th century
confessional revision

presbyterian minister francis james grimké prominent supporter of equal rights african americans.

briggs heresy trial set movement confessional revision, wanted soften westminster confession s calvinistic doctrines of predestination , election. nevertheless, overtures continued come before general assembly. in 1903, 2 chapters on holy spirit , love of god , missions added confession , reference pope being anti-christ deleted. objectionable conservatives, new declaratory statement added clarify church s doctrine of election. conservatives criticized declaratory statement , claimed promoted arminianism.

the 1903 revision of westminster confession led large number of congregations arminian–leaning cumberland presbyterian church reunite pcusa in 1906. while overwhelmingly approved, reunion caused controversy within pcusa due concerns on doctrinal compatibility , racial segregation in cumberland presbyterian church. warfield strong critic of merger on doctrinal grounds. northern presbyterians, such francis james grimké , herrick johnson, objected creation of racially segregated presbyteries in south, concession demanded cumberland presbyterians price reunion. despite these objections, merger overwhelmingly approved.

social gospel , evangelical movements

henry sloane coffin on cover of time magazine november 15, 1926

by 20th century, social gospel movement, stressed social individual salvation, had found support within presbyterian church. important figures such henry sloane coffin, president of new york s union seminary , leading liberal, backed movement. important promoter of social gospel among presbyterians charles stelzle, first head of workingmen s department of pcusa. department, created in 1903 minister working class immigrants, first official denominational agency pursue social gospel agenda. according church historian bradley longfield, stelzle advocated child-labor laws, workers compensation, adequate housing, , more effective ways address vice , crime in order advance kingdom of god. after reorganization in 1908, work of department split between newly created department of church , labor , department of immigration.

while social gospel making inroads within denomination, ministry of baseball player turned evangelist billy sunday demonstrated evangelicalism , revivalist tradition still force within denomination. sunday became prominent evangelist of 20th century, preaching on 100 million people , leading estimated million conversion throughout career. whereas stelzle emphasized social aspects of christianity, sunday s focus on conversion , moral responsibility of individual.

fundamentalist–modernist controversy

first presbyterian church in manhattan, harry emerson fosdick preached shall fundamentalists win?

between 1922 , 1936, pcusa became embroiled in so-called fundamentalist–modernist controversy. tensions had been building in years following old school-new school reunion of 1869 , briggs heresy trial of 1893. in 1909, conflict further exacerbated when presbytery of new york granted licenses preach group of men not affirm virgin birth of jesus. presbytery s action appealed 1910 general assembly, required ministry candidates affirm 5 essential or fundamental tenets of christian faith: biblical inerrancy, virgin birth, substitutionary atonement, bodily resurrection, , miracles of christ.

these themes later expounded upon in fundamentals, series of essays financed wealthy presbyterians milton , lyman stewart. while authors drawn wider evangelical community, large proportion presbyterian, including warfield, william erdman, charles erdman, , robert elliott speer.

in 1922, prominent new york minister harry emerson fosdick (who baptist serving pastor of new york s first presbyterian church special arrangement) preached sermon entitled shall fundamentalists win? , challenging perceived rising tide of intolerance against liberal (or modernist ) theology within denomination. in response, conservative presbyterian minister clarence e. macartney preached sermon called shall unbelief win? , in warned liberalism lead christianity without worship, without god, , without jesus christ . j. gresham machen of princeton theological seminary responded fosdick 1923 book christianity , liberalism, arguing liberalism , christianity 2 different religions.

the 1923 general assembly reaffirmed 5 fundamentals , ordered presbytery of new york ensure first presbyterian church conformed westminster confession. month later, presbytery licensed 2 ministers not affirm virgin birth, , in february 1924, acquitted fosdick subsequently left post in presbyterian church.

that same year, group of liberal ministers composed statement defending theological views known auburn affirmation due fact based on work of robert hastings nichols of auburn seminary. citing adopting act of 1729, affirmation claimed pcusa heritage of doctrinal liberty. argued church doctrine established action of general assembly , majority of presbyteries; therefore, according affirmation, general assembly acted unconstitutionally when required adherence 5 fundamentals.

the 1925 general assembly faced threat of schism on actions of presbytery of new york. attempting deescalate situation, general assembly moderator charles erdman proposed creation of special commission study church s problems , find solutions. commission s report, released in 1926, sought find moderate approach solving church s theological conflict. in agreement auburn affirmation, commission concluded doctrinal pronouncements issued general assembly not binding without approval of majority of presbyteries. in defeat conservatives, report adopted general assembly. conservatives further disenchanted in 1929 when general assembly approved ordination of women lay elders.

john gresham machen, organizer of orthodox presbyterian church

in 1929, princeton theological seminary reorganized make school s leadership , faculty more representative of wider church rather old school presbyterianism. 2 of seminary s new board members signatories auburn affirmation. in order preserve princeton s old school legacy, machen , several of colleagues founded westminster theological seminary.

further controversy erupt on state of church s missionary efforts. sensing loss of interest , support foreign missions, nondenominational laymen s foreign mission inquiry published re–thinking missions in 1932, promoted universalism , rejected uniqueness of christianity. because inquiry had been supported pcusa, many conservatives concerned re–thinking missions represented views of pcusa s board of foreign missions. after board members affirmed belief in jesus christ lord , saviour , conservatives remained skeptical, , such fears reinforced modernist missionaries, including celebrated author pearl s. buck. while evangelical, buck s religious views developed on time deny divinity of christ.

in 1933, machen , other conservatives founded independent board presbyterian foreign missions. year later, general assembly declared independent board unconstitutional , demanded church members cut ties it. machen refused obey, , ordination suspended in 1936. afterwards, machen led exodus of conservatives form later known orthodox presbyterian church.

later history

first presbyterian church of hollywood. in 1950s, evangelical church boasted largest pcusa congregation.

with onset of great depression in 1930s, optimism of liberal theology discredited. many liberal theologians turned neo-orthodoxy in attempt correct seen failings of liberalism, namely overemphasis on divine immanence , goodness of humanity along subordination of american protestantism secularism, science, , american culture. neo-orthodox theologians instead emphasized divine transcendence , sinfulness of humanity. 1940s 1950s, neo-orthodoxy set tone @ presbyterian seminaries. prominent presbyterian theologians of era include elmer george homrighausen , joseph haroutunian.

at same time, evangelicalism continuing influence presbyterian church. in late 1940s, efforts of christian educator henrietta mears @ first presbyterian church in hollywood, california, make largest church within denomination. first presbyterian s emphasis on evangelism have profound influence on number of prominent figures including louis evans jr., founder of bel air presbyterian church; richard c. halverson, chaplain of united states senate; , bill bright, founder of campus crusade christ. according historian george marsden, mears may have had more shaping west coast presbyterianism other person.

in 1958, pcusa merged century old united presbyterian church of north america (upcna). denomination formed 1858 union of covenanter , seceder presbyterians. between 1937 , 1955, pcusa had been discussing merger negotiations upcna, presbyterian church in united states , episcopal church before settling on upcna merger.

within upcna, there decreasing support merger amidst conservative reservations on pcusa s decision ordain women office of minister in 1956 (the pcusa had been ordaining women office of deacon since 1922 , elder since 1930). nevertheless, merger of 2 denominations celebrated in pittsburgh summer. new denomination named united presbyterian church in united states of america (upcusa).


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