
Showing posts from March, 2014

Description Elongated tortoise

elongated tortoise in dusit zoo shell considerably depressed, more twice long deep, flat vertebral region; anterior , posterior margins reverted, serrated in young, feebly in old specimens; shields concentrically striated, except in old specimens; nuchal present (rarely absent), narrow , elongate; supracaudal undivided, more or less incurved; first vertebral long broad in adult, others broader long , broad costals. plastron large, truncate anteriorly, notched posteriorly; suture between pectoral shields long or longer between humerals; suture between gulars long or little shorter between pectorals; anals forming short suture, or entirely separated anal notch; axillary , inguinal moderate. head moderate; pair of large praefrontal shields, followed equally large frontal; beak feebly hooked, tricuspid; alveolar ridge of upper jaw short , rather feeble. anterior face of fore limbs moderate, unequal-sized, imbricate scales, largest towards outer side; no enlarged tubercles on thighs; tail e

2000s California Baptist University

cbu yeager center entrance in 2000, school s 50th anniversary celebrated. campus again expanded in 2001 addition of university place apartments. the school of music established in 2002 new dr. bonnie g. metcalf school of education following in 2003. same year, new university complex, known yeager center, opened housing classrooms, administration offices, cafeteria, computer labs, , professors offices. in mid-2004, new housing complexes built, , later in year university enrolled first students in masters of music degree program. the school of engineering established in 2006. inaugural class in fall of 2007 had 55 students.

Torpedo boat destroyers Torpedo boat

hms spider, model of torpedo gunboat the introduction of torpedo boat resulted in flurry of activity in navies around world, smaller, quicker-firing guns added existing ships ward off new threat. in mid-1880s there developed torpedo gunboats, first vessel design explicit purpose of hunting , destroying torpedo boats. small cruisers, torpedo gunboats equipped torpedo tubes , adequate gun armament, intended hunting down smaller enemy boats. the first example of hms rattlesnake, designed nathaniel barnaby in 1885. gunboat armed torpedoes , designed hunting , destroying smaller torpedo boats. armed single 4-inch/25-pounder breech-loading gun, 6 3-pounder qf guns , 4 14-inch (360 mm) torpedo tubes, arranged 2 fixed tubes @ bow , set of torpedo dropping carriages on either side. 4 torpedo reloads carried. a number of torpedo gunboat classes followed, including grasshopper class, sharpshooter class, alarm class , dryad class - built royal navy during 1880s , 1890s. however, end of 1890s torpe

Saudi Arabia Nawaz Sharif

sharif said enjoy exceptionally close ties senior members of saudi royal family. on 2 april 2014, pakistan today reported pakistan sell jf-17 thunder jets saudi arabia, after kingdom had given grant of $1.5 billion pakistan in 2014. on 15 february 2014 saudi arabia s crown prince salman bin abdulaziz al-saud arrived in pakistan meet sharif vowed enhance work between 2 countries towards common issues serve both interests regionally , internationally. sharif travelled saudi arabia spend last 10 days of ramadan, on 26 july 2014, king abdullah said saudi arabia stand pakistan, leadership , people, after hour-long meeting sharif @ riyadh. sharif met muqrin bin abdulaziz al saud, while salman bin abdulaziz al saud refereed pakistan second home . on 15 march 2015, al-monitor reported salman of saudi arabia wanted firm assurances sharif pakistan align saudi arabia , sunni arab allies against iran, in proxy war underway in yemen. salman wanted pakistani military contingent deploy kingdom defen

Winners and nominees 59th Golden Globe Awards

1 winners , nominees 1.1 film 1.2 television 1.2.1 best actor – drama series 1.2.2 best actor – musical or comedy series 1.2.3 best actor – miniseries or television film 1.2.4 best actress – drama series 1.2.5 best actress – musical or comedy series 1.2.6 best actress – miniseries or television film 1.2.7 best series – drama 1.2.8 best series – musical or comedy 1.2.9 best miniseries or television film 1.2.10 best supporting actor – series, miniseries or television film 1.2.11 best supporting actress – series, miniseries or television film winners , nominees russell crowe, best actor in motion picture – drama winner sissy spacek, best actress in motion picture – drama winner gene hackman, best actor in motion picture – musical or comedy winner nicole kidman, best actress in motion picture – musical or comedy winner jim broadbent, best supporting actor winner jennifer connelly, best supporting actress winner kiefer sutherland, best actor in television series – drama winner jennifer garn

Ship construction Madrague de Giens (shipwreck)

a schematic of mortise , tenon technique shipbuilding dominated mediterranean until 7th century bc. the vessel contained framing composed of various elements (keel, fore foot, stempost, cutwater, sternpost, inner post, false post), double planking (assembled entirely mortise-and-tenon joints pegged inside) , covered sheet of lead. referred large keelson 7.5m long mast-step timber made of oak doubles axial frame. stringers, nailed onto frames, reinforced hull longitudinally. regularly alternated floor timbers , half frames comprised framing of vessel. wreck indicates vessel 40m long (35.10m remains preserved on seabed), 9m wide, , 4.5m deep length-to-beam coefficient of 4.4(if l=40m, l/w=4.4). coefficient of elongation-rate of length width allows ship faster lower coefficient. the vessel built method of construction known shell-first or plating, meaning frame built first later addition of skeleton. was, however, not built entirely shell-first, involved elements of skeleton or frame-firs

Franke History Franke (company)

1 franke history 1.1 founding years 1.2 expansion years 1.3 today 1.4 franke companies 1.4.1 switzerland 1.4.2 uk 1.4.3 france franke history founding years hermann franke founded sheet metal business in name in rorschach, switzerland, in 1911. in late 1920s economic upturn in industry , construction sector led incorporation of sanitary installations department. franke began production of oven tops, skylights , dormer windows. in 1930s franke started production of first sink units in nickeline, monel-metal , later in stainless steel. franke built new factory offices , residential building, , company s ten employees relocated aarburg, switzerland. franke initiated first production series , first welded, smooth sink unit. hermann franke died on january 25, 1939, , son walter took on business. second world war led great difficulties in obtaining materials. during years after war company s factory facilities expanded , production of complete kitchens began. franke started export products e

Later days Hinchliffe Stadium

at first hinchliffe, called city stadium , municipally owned. in 1963, schools assumed full ownership, undertook array of repairs , upgrades included repositioning baseball diamond , adding fill area above , along river (the cliff area, called valley of rocks ) in order enlarge football field , lengthen track. in following decades, stadium did yeoman service both school sports , major public events, including—from 1970s on—concerts, antique car shows, , fireworks displays great falls festivals have become favorite feature of paterson s labor day celebrations. duke ellington held 1 of last major concerts here in 1971. in 1983, field received upgrade under mayor frank x. graves, jr.. these repairs made temporary stands permanent, added handicap access , storage facilities, , resulted in installation of astroturf field surface. in 1988 hinchliffe stadium became home of new jersey eagles of american soccer league, , eagles called stadium home 2 seasons before moving venue third , final

Results Athletics at the 1920 Summer Olympics – Men's 400 metres hurdles

1 results 1.1 quarterfinals 1.2 semifinals 1.3 final results quarterfinals quarterfinal 1 quarterfinal 2 quarterfinal 3 quarterfinal 4 quarterfinal 5 semifinals semifinal 1 semifinal 2 final the final held on monday, august 16, 1920.

Political effects of tests Nawaz Sharif

in spite of intense international criticism , steady decline in foreign investment , trade, these 6 nuclear tests popular domestically , sharif s popularity , pml (n) s prestige rose in response. after appearing on national television , taking nation of confidence, tests greeted great jubilation , large-scale approval of sharif s decision civil society. on 30 may, sharif appeared after tests, , informed world, today, have settled score , have carried out 6 successful nuclear tests . newspapers , television channels praised sharif , government bold decision; editorials full of praise country s leadership , advocated development of operational nuclear deterrence country, despite small-scale anti-nuclear sentiments criticised nuclear testings forcefully silenced emerging public opinion favouring sharif , nuclear tests. after atomic tests on 1515hrs (28 may) , 1315hrs (30 may), sharif called joint-parliamentary session @ parliament house building on emergency basis calling of public legis

Yugoslav Navy service Končar-class missile boat

aft section of Šibenik. 2 rbs-15 launchers , ak-630 ciws visible. during late 1980s , 1990s rade končar , vlado Ćetković underwent modernization program included removing stern 57 mm bofors , installing soviet ak-630 ciws. @ start of croatian war of independence, vlado Ćetković captured croatian forces in Šibenik while being overhauled. commissioned croatian navy on 28 september 1991 Šibenik (rtop-21). sometime between 1991 , 1994 Šibenik underwent refit included removing p-20 launchers , installing 2 mounts 4 swedish built rbs-15 anti-ship missiles. of 2014 Šibenik in active service croatian navy. the rest of class remained in hands of yugoslav navy. on 6 october, hasan zahirović-laca along koni-class frigate koper (vpbr-32) took part in battle of zadar. croatian coastal batteries in area operated 2 captured bofors 40 mm (1.6 in) guns 1 of them being in position open fire on ships. initial 5 6 rounds fired @ hasan zahirović-laca missed target, after gun malfunctioned. after quick repa

Sacramento News .26 Review News & Review

1 sacramento news & review 1.1 events 1.1.1 sacramento area music awards 1.1.2 interfaith 1.2 noted stories 1.3 selected awards 1.4 controversy sacramento news & review the sacramento news & review (sn&r), founded in 1989, largest of 3 news & review papers, cumulative readership of 330,000 people, according winter 2015 media audit report, run international demographics. founding editor melinda welsh; paper s current editor eric johnson. its well-known annual issues are: best of, annual issue results of readers poll , editors choices of best places, people , things in sacramento summer guide & winter guide, seasonal guides during each season in , around sacramento sammies (sacramento area music awards), annual issue profiling readers , critics choice best bands , musicians in 2013, grant sacramento emergency foodlink allowed sn&r conduct independent research, reporting , distribution of articles on subject of poverty in sacramento region november 2012 oct

List of Russian coronations Coronation of the Russian monarch

1 list of russian coronations 1.1 rurik dynasty 1.2 time of troubles 1.3 romanov dynasty list of russian coronations while earlier rulers of muscovy had been crowned prior prince ivan iii, coronation ceremony in byzantine form first brought russia ivan s wife, sophia paleologue, niece last emperor of byzantium, constantine xi. sophia credited introducing , other byzantine ceremonies , customs, adopted husband ivan iii , continued under muscovite , russian successors. modern coronation, introducing european-style elements, first used catherine great in 1724. while several russian rulers had more 1 consort during reigns, table list consort (if any) crowned him or @ time of coronation. there 2 exceptions rule: marina mniszech, married dmitriy false after had been crowned tsar, , afforded own coronation after wedding. yekaterina alexeyevna, second wife of peter i, crowned co-ruler of russia in 1724 , subsequently ascended throne catherine after peter s death. other russian sovereigns e

Major historical sites Arasbaran

^ andrew burke, iran, 2010, p. 159 ^ reza shabani, iranian history @ glance, p. 108 ^,130011 ^ ^ iran bazaars .  ^ james morier, second journey through persia, armenia, , asia minor, constantinople ..., 1818, p. 234 ^ amir arshad s residence . archived original on 2015-06-03. 

John Locke Philosophy of education

date: 1632–1704 in thoughts concerning education , of conduct of understanding locke composed outline on how educate mind in order increase powers , activity: business of education not, think, make them perfect in 1 of sciences, open , dispose minds may best make them capable of any, when shall apply it. if men long time accustomed 1 sort or method of thoughts, minds grow stiff in it, , not readily turn another. therefore give them freedom, think should made sorts of knowledge, , exercise understandings in wide variety , stock of knowledge. not propose variety , stock of knowledge, variety , freedom of thinking, increase of powers , activity of mind, not enlargement of possessions. locke expressed belief education maketh man, or, more fundamentally, mind empty cabinet , statement, think may of men meet with, 9 parts of ten are, or evil, useful or not, education. locke wrote little , insensible impressions on our tender infancies have important , lasting consequences. argued asso

Holocaust denial David Irving

1 holocaust denial 1.1 movement towards holocaust denial 1.2 zündel trial 1.3 holocaust denial lecture circuit holocaust denial movement towards holocaust denial over years, irving s stance on holocaust changed significantly. 1988, started espouse holocaust denial openly; had not denied holocaust outright , reason, many holocaust deniers ambivalent him. admired irving pro-nazi slant in work , fact possessed degree of mainstream credibility lacked, annoyed did not openly deny holocaust. in 1980, lucy dawidowicz noted although hitler s war sympathetic third reich, because irving argued hitler unaware of holocaust opposed denying holocaust, book not part of anti-semitic canon . in 1980, irving received invitation speak @ holocaust-denial conference, refused under grounds appearance there damage reputation. in letter, irving stated reasons refusal as: pure realpolitik on part. dangerously exposed, , cannot take chance of being caught in flak meant others! though irving refused @ time ap

Principle Steam distillation

diagram of how economically clean plant wastewater streams. steam use stripping gas remove hydrocarbons waste water. method effective when volatile organic compounds (i.e. chlorine) have lower boiling points water or have limited solubility in water. when mixture of 2 practically immiscible liquids heated while being agitated expose surface of each liquid vapor phase, each constituent independently exerts own vapor pressure function of temperature if other constituent not present. consequently, vapor pressure of whole system increases. boiling begins when sum of vapour pressures of 2 immiscible liquids exceeds atmospheric pressure (approximately 101 kpa @ sea level). in way, many organic compounds insoluble in water can purified @ temperature below point @ decomposition occurs. example, boiling point of bromobenzene 156 °c , boiling point of water 100 °c, mixture of 2 boils @ 95 °c. thus, bromobenzene can distilled @ temperature 61 °c below normal boiling point.

References The Middletown Journal

sources felicity barringer. increased consolidation in newspaper industry . new york times. june 9, 2000. c2. jon bohmer. cox acquires papers. dayton daily news. september 2, 2000. 1a. cox changes ohio group leadership . dayton daily news. december 15, 2002. f1. (clark s appointment) john eckberg. 134 papers on block. cincinnati enquirer. february 16, 2000. b10. john eckberg. enquirer s parent buys ohio papers. cincinnati enquirer. june 9, 2000. d10. john eckberg. cox buys 12 area newspapers. cincinnati enquirer. july 15, 2000. 1c. lynn hulsey. gannett buy thompson newspapers . dayton daily news. june 9, 2000. a1. lynn hulsey. other papers join cox . dayton daily news. september 2, 2000. 1e. matthew rose. thomson agrees sell 38 54 dailies gannett , community newspapers . wall street journal. june 9, 2000. a6.

Further reading Catellibacterium

1 further reading 1.1 scientific journals 1.2 scientific books 1.3 scientific databases further reading scientific journals tanaka y, hanada s, manome a, tsuchida t, kurane r, nakamura k, kamagata y (2004). catellibacterium nectariphilum gen. nov., sp. nov., requires diffusible compound strain related genus sphingomonas vigorous growth . int. j. syst. evol. microbiol. 54 (pt 3): 955–959. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.02750-0. pmid 15143049.  scientific books garrity gm, holt jg (2001). taxonomic outline of archaea , bacteria . in dr boone, rw castenholz. bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology volume 1: archaea , branching , phototrophic bacteria (2nd ed.). new york: springer verlag. pp. 155–166. isbn 978-0-387-98771-2.  scientific databases pubmed references catellibacterium pubmed central references catellibacterium google scholar references catellibacterium

Career Kaia Kanepi

1 career 1.1 2004 1.2 2006 1.3 2007 1.4 2008: french open quarterfinal 1.5 2009 1.6 2010: wimbledon , open quarterfinals 1.7 2011 1.8 2012: 2nd french open quarterfinal 1.9 2013 1.10 2014 1.11 2015 1.12 2016 1.13 2017: second open quarterfinal career kaia kanepi born in haapsalu. father, jaak (a real estate broker) , mother anne (a homemaker) played tennis. have daughters kadri, won tennis scholarship study in united states, , karin, dedicated horse rider. kaia, watched parents , sisters play, discovered love tennis @ age. started playing @ age of 8. her family has supported desire play professional tennis. reached world number 1 in international tennis federation (itf) junior rankings before turning professional in 2000. has won 8 itf singles titles , top-ranked estonian female tennis player. until autumn of 2007, kaia coached andrei luzgin. after luzgin, fredrik loven sweden became coach, partnership ended in february 2008. kanepi s next coach (until september 2008) pablo giacopelli.

Champions 1887 Wimbledon Championships

1 champions 1.1 gentlemen s singles 1.2 ladies singles 1.3 gentlemen s doubles champions gentlemen s singles herbert lawford defeated ernest renshaw, 1–6, 6–3, 3–6, 6–4, 6–4 ladies singles lottie dod defeated blanche bingley, 6–2, 6–0 gentlemen s doubles patrick bowes-lyon / herbert wilberforce defeated edward barratt-smith / james herbert crispe, 6–3, 6–3, 6–2

Cyberspace as an Internet metaphor Cyberspace

while cyberspace should not confused internet, term used refer objects , identities exist largely within communication network itself, website, example, might metaphorically said exist in cyberspace . according interpretation, events taking place on internet not happening in locations participants or servers physically located, in cyberspace . philosopher michel foucault used term heterotopias, describe such spaces simultaneously physical , mental. firstly, cyberspace describes flow of digital data through network of interconnected computers: @ once not real , since 1 not spatially locate tangible object, , real in effects. secondly, cyberspace site of computer-mediated communication (cmc), in online relationships , alternative forms of online identity enacted, raising important questions social psychology of internet use, relationship between online , offline forms of life , interaction, , relationship between real , virtual. cyberspace draws attention remediation of cultur

Mutants BRAF (gene)

^ namba h, nakashima m, hayashi t, hayashida n, maeda s, rogounovitch ti, ohtsuru a, saenko va, kanematsu t, yamashita s (september 2003). clinical implication of hot spot braf mutation, v599e, in papillary thyroid cancers . j. clin. endocrinol. metab. 88 (9): 4393–7. doi:10.1210/jc.2003-030305. pmid 12970315.  ^ tan yh, liu y, eu kw, ang pw, li wq, salto-tellez m, iacopetta b, soong r (april 2008). detection of braf v600e mutation pyrosequencing . pathology. 40 (3): 295–8. doi:10.1080/00313020801911512. pmid 18428050.  ^ li wq, kawakami k, ruszkiewicz a, bennett g, moore j, iacopetta b (2006). braf mutations associated distinctive clinical, pathological , molecular features of colorectal cancer independently of microsatellite instability status . mol. cancer. 5 (1): 2. doi:10.1186/1476-4598-5-2. pmc 1360090 . pmid 16403224.  ^ benlloch s, payá a, alenda c, bessa x, andreu m, jover r, castells a, llor x, aranda fi, massutí b (november 2006). detection of braf v600e mutation in colo

Media Fort Macleod

a selection of historical newspapers fort macleod have been digitized microfilm , available in southern alberta newspaper collection university of lethbridge library digitized collections. included are: macleod advertiser (1908–1913), macleod chronicle (1908–1909), macleod gazette (1897–1907), macleod news (1916–1919), & macleod spectator (1912–1916).

North Somerset Scheduled monuments in Somerset

aveline s hole cave in burrington combe earliest scientifically dated cemetery in great britain. north somerset unitary authority administered independently of non-metropolitan county of somerset. administrative headquarters located in town hall of weston-super-mare. north somerset has resident population of 202,566. there 68 scheduled monuments in north somerset. of oldest neolithic including aveline s hole, cave earliest scientifically dated cemetery in britain, , several tumuli. there several iron age hill forts such 1 @ worlebury camp. dolebury warren iron age hill fort reused medieval rabbit warren. romano-british period represented several sites including villas. more recent sites include several motte-and-bailey castles, such locking castle , church crosses date middle ages. there several deserted medieval settlements. woodspring priory former augustinian priory founded in 13th century. more recent sites date industrial revolution , include elms colliery , glassworks in nailsea.

General performances CONCACAF League records and statistics

1 general performances 1.1 club 1.2 nation 1.3 all-time table 1.4 number of participations 1.5 final appearances 1.6 semifinal appearances general performances by club by nation all-time table as of 26 october 2017 number of participations a total of 16 clubs 8 national associations have played in concacaf league. final appearances semifinal appearances

Photobooks Tao Tsuchiya

^ 土屋太鳳 (マガジンハウス): 2011 (in japanese). national diet library. retrieved 2015-10-31.  ^ document : 土屋太鳳1stフォトブック (東京ニュース通信社): 2015 (in japanese). national diet library. retrieved 2015-10-31.  ^ 希空 まれぞら : nhk連続テレビ小説「まれ」 (nhk出版): 2015 (in japanese). national diet library. retrieved 2015-10-31. 

Instruction Driver's education

instructional vehicles personal cars of driving instructor have been painted company logo driver s education (or driver education) intended supplement knowledge obtained government-printed driving handbooks or manuals , prepares students tests obtain driver s license or learner s permit. in-car instruction places student in vehicle instructor. car fitted dual controls, has pedals or other controls on passenger side, may used. in united states, driver s education typically offered students sixteen years old or end of course. each state has own laws regarding licensing of teenagers.

Biosynthesis Prodigiosin

figure 1: structure of prodigiosin 1 highlighting a, b, , c pyrrole rings the biosynthesis of prodigiosin involves convergent coupling of 3 pyrrole type rings (labeled a, b, , c in figure 1) l-proline, l-serine, l-methionine, pyruvate, , 2-octenal. ring synthesized l-proline through nonribosomal peptide synthase (nrps) pathway (figure 2), wherein pyrrolidine ring of proline oxidized twice through fad+ yield pyrrole ring a. ring expanded via polyketide synthase pathway incorporate l-serine ring b (figure 3). ring fragment transferred peptidyl carrier protein (pcp) acyl carrier protein (acp) ks domain, followed transfer malonyl-acp via decarboxylative claisen condensation. fragment able react masked carbanion formed plp mediated decarboxylation of l-serine, cyclizes in dehydration reaction yield second pyrrole ring. intermediate modified methylation (which incorporates methyl group l-methionine onto alcohol @ 6 position) , oxidation of primary alcohol aldehyde yield core a-b ring struct

Hand reaping Reaper

a reaper cutting rye in germany in 1949 hand reaping done various means, including plucking ears of grains directly hand, cutting grain stalks sickle, cutting them scythe, or scythe fitted grain cradle. reaping distinguished mowing, uses similar implements, traditional term cutting grass hay, rather reaping cereals. stiffer, dryer straw of cereal plants , greener grasses hay demand different blades on machines. the reaped grain stalks gathered sheaves (bunches), tied string or twist of straw. several sheaves leant against each other ears off ground dry out, forming stook. after drying, sheaves gathered field , stacked, being placed ears inwards, covered thatch or tarpaulin; called stack or rick. in british isles rick of sheaves traditionally called corn rick, distinguish hay rick ( corn in british english retains older sense of grain generally, not maize ). ricks made in area inaccessible livestock, called rick-yard or stack-yard. corn-rick later broken down , sheaves threshed sepa

Mandalay Palace Myanmar architecture

great audience hall, mandalay palace, 1903 mandalay palace primary example of wooden architecture in myanmar, places emphasis on exterior aesthetics rather interior space. though not constructed until late-1850s, characteristics of palace, such cardinally placed gates , central palace structure, can traced early-pyu period. east-west primary axis constructed palace buildings themselves. illustrations 11th century pagan depict wooden buildings similar @ palace handiwork later found @ mandalay. after fire in 1945, section of original palace remained. remnant contained examples of traditional stucco used in burmese construction. in palace, flower distribution centre contains several wooden, semicircular arches may have been inspired 19th century european buildings. stucco on these arches appears represent rays of sunlight or lotus petals. along primary features of wood carvings , stucco, tiered roofs (pyatthat) common feature of palace. inside, covered hallways lead small throne room topp

Summary Woody Woodpecker's Nuthouse Coaster

riders enter woody woodpecker s nuthouse factory , take wild ride. queue as guests queue, pass woody woodpecker s insignia, along bells make various noises guests may pull. pass sign splinter , knothead, woody s niece , nephew, arguing first sign it. guests enter factory, line in rows, , enter ride vehicles. ride after guests seated, woody s assistants have pushed down lap bars, bell rings, , ride train leaves station , starts climb lift. nears top, riders have full view of kidzone. @ top, sign reads ready or go! , woody can heard saying guess who? , , doing famous laugh. vehicle goes down winding drop , goes hill , smaller drop , goes in multiple winding turns before coming complete stop signs in front of read stop! track ends! now! . vehicle comes station , guests exit.